CBD for Different Types of Cancer – Can It Help?

August 9, 2023 0 Comment

For years now, CBD oil has continued to increase for various ailments. However, there have been significant concerns about whether CBD oil can help cancer patients. What are its effects on cancer, and what does scientific research prove? In previous tests, CBD oil has shown promise for cancer treatment. Nonetheless, it is yet to be proven whether the oil can prevent cancer. Cancer results from the growth of abnormal cells in various body parts and the spread of these cells. Unfortunately, cancer is slowly becoming a prevalent non-communicable disease.

Young man drinking whole milk in the kitchen

What Is the Link Between Whole Milk and Prostate Cancer?

May 2, 2023 0 Comment

Is there a link between whole milk and prostate cancer?
Frankly, there’s a huge possibility large consumption of whole milk leads to prostate cancer. Several studies have proven that fact.
As a man, being aware of your prostate health is vital. That’s why you need to pay close attention to this post.
Here, we’ll explore the link between whole milk and cancer and the best way to avoid the disease.
What Is Prostate Cancer?

Vaping Cause Cancer

Can Vaping Cause Cancer? Learn More through these 5 FAQs

June 11, 2020 0 Comment

Vapes and e-cigarettes have taken us all in a storm, affecting a good percentage of smokers, all vaping industry experts creating a whole new fad and following. Vaping has also led to many speculations regarding our health. Yes, it comes with its negative effects, but does vaping really cause alarming diseases and conditions, such as cancer?
Expert medical advice from Healthline discusses 5 of the most frequently – asked – questions regarding the matter, and this hopes to shed light on the situation.
Are there any cases of diagnosed cancer directly attributed to vaping?
Since vaping is a new activity, there aren’t documented cases that directly ties it to cancer …

Keep Your Heart Healthy!

April 28, 2019 0 Comment

Now is the time to focus on your heart health and engage in activities to keep it healthy. This means that sometimes getting off the best sofa recliner you have and getting out into the fresh air. Or inviting friends over for a BBQ, just make sure that you have the right cookware. Another option is to clean the house, including very spec of dirt behind every faucet.
Exercise is essential for everybody at home or in the garden, especially for cancer patients and survivors. In fact, specialists in the field of cancer treatment affirmed that it can help you in numerous ways. Exercise reduces the chances of cancer recurrence and fatigue, fights muscle atrophy, improves mood, and boosts the overall quality of life.
Before …

How Do I Tell My Loved Ones about My Cancer Diagnosis?

March 8, 2019 0 Comment

Deciding the right time to inform your family and friends about having cancer can be very hard. This is especially difficult for individuals diagnosed with incurable cancer such as mesothelioma. Playing golf can often serve as a good platform to break the news. After letting your loved ones know, shower them in gifts, such as the best golf equipment. Cbd products are a good means to relax before telling them. Golfers of all levels will appreciate this thought. They may feel sad or become frightened of your prognosis, but the sooner you tell them, the sooner they can help and support you through it.
Worrying about how your family and friends may feel is very normal. Communicating your feelings with your loved ones can help you both…